
Galatians: The Wonderous Grace of God is unavailable, but you can change that!

Paul eloquently presents the case for justification by faith, the heart of the gospel, in his letter to the Galatians. Galatians beautifully reveals the trusted bible teachers, the study of Galatians implants the wondrous grace of God deeply in your heart and life.

Christ died in vain (v. 21)—This can be better translated, “Christ died needlessly.” Those who insist that they can earn salvation by their own efforts undermine the foundation of Christianity and render unnecessary the death of Christ. Understanding the Text 4) How did Peter deviate from the true gospel and become hypocritical? How did Paul respond? (verses to consider: Acts 10) 5) If the law is incapable of saving people, as Paul argued, what is the law’s purpose? (verses to consider: Romans
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